Angel Numbers

Story & Graphics by: Kya Nilges

Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that you see in your daily life. These are repeating numbers such as “000” or “999” that you frequently see in the time, date, prices, or within longer strings of numbers. It stands out to you. Each angel number has its own meaning. Whichever one you notice most may tell you something about yourself. 

Angel numbers can be attributed to many things, not just angels. You may believe they are sent to you by spirits or, ancestors, or that they are from a higher state of our own consciousness. You can use your angel number as a tool. It can guide you to think about things from a different perspective. Don’t let your angel number limit you, though. 

One of my favorite things about angel numbers is that they’re not constant. You may have the same angel number for years, then suddenly have a new one appear. This makes sense because of their different meanings. They are meeting you where you are at in a specific time in your life to offer guidance.


Having this angel number means that your life is open to new opportunities. You may be starting a new journey in life, testing new practices, or starting a relationship. Remember that you create your own journey. You’re at the precipice of something new. Embrace it! 


This angel number is rooted in intuition. This is a sign that you need to have faith in yourself and follow your heart. Lean into the people you believe you can trust. Your intuition is strong. 


When you see this sequence often, your life is in a place of alignment. Everything is balancing out and you are exactly where you need to be. Follow the path you are on for continued happiness. 

333 - SUPPORT 

If you see threes, you have support. No matter what journey you are on or what you are faced with, you are surrounded in support. Whether it is coming from within or from your surroundings, your support will not fail you. 


Fours are a sign of protection. You are grounded in place and may need help. Don’t be afraid to ask. Trust that those around you will not judge. 

555 - CHANGE

The number five as an angel number signifies change. There may be a lot of things happening around you, but you are on the right path. Follow your mind and what you think is right and things will become clear.


Though feared by many, a sequence of six is not a bad omen. If you are drawn to this sequence, you are going through a period of reflection. It is up to you how you interpret life, so treat yourself and others with kindness. 

777 - LUCK

Many people believe in the lucky number seven, and so do the angels. Seeing this number means that things are going your way. Don’t be afraid to take risks during this time. If you stay true to yourself, good things will find you. 


Eight symbolizes infinite possibilities. Your energy transcends your lifetime and is ever-flowing. Believe in your power and create the life you want to live. Don’t be afraid to look deep within yourself and trust your abilities. 


Nine may signify the end of something. Depending on how you see it, this could be a good thing. It is showing the release of something and opening up your life to new experiences. Take the leap to further yourself. 


Are You Listening?

